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PTFE expanded board

PTFE expanded board

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Product name: PTFE expanded board

Product introduction: Jingcheng expanded board series adopts polytetrafluoroethylene membrance as the main raw material. With temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, insulation, high density and high lubricity. Widely used in chemical, aerospace, semiconductor, communication machinery and petrochemical fields.

Features: selection of high-quality raw materials, customization the complete size and specifications of expanded board with professional production.

               All standard tests are completed before leaving the factory to ensure product quality requirements.

               Factory direct sales with perfect after-sales service guarantee.

              The production environment is clean and tidy.

Application field: sealing parts of flange connections such as pipes, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, generators, etc., especially suitable for sealing of special flanges such as complex geometry, uneven flange surface, and glass enamel.

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